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First Tee – West Michigan expands into Kalamazoo to teach youth life lessons through golf
KALAMAZOO, Mich. — First Tee – West Michigan is partnering with the Kalamazoo Junior Golf Association to launch its programs at three Kalamazoo golf courses this April.
First Tee teaches values and life skills through the game of golf to young people, with a focus on impacting students who otherwise would not have the opportunity. Since 2019, First Tee has impacted more than 1,800 young people in West Michigan in Grand Rapids, Holland and Muskegon.
For seventy dollars, parents can register their child for a six-class session where they learn the game of golf from dedicated coaches and mentors, while also learning values like honesty, integrity, and respect. Nearly half of families can receive the same six-class session for just $5.00, based on their income.
“The programs we offer are more than just learning basic golf instruction. Students get to be with the same coaches and mentors for years and build a relationship. That mentorship can influence a child’s life trajectory, on and off the golf course. We get to be a constant in young people’s lives and have seen the impact our program can have on how they even view themselves. It’s a privilege to be a part of a young person’s growth.”
For more information, or to sign-up a child for the program, visit First Tee – West Michigan’s website at firstteewestmichigan.org.
About First Tee – West Michigan:
Established in 2011, First Tee – West Michigan’s mission is to impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character and instill life-enhancing values through the game of golf. For more information on First Tee – West Michigan, visit www.firstteewestmichigan.org or call 616-208-1177.