Homework and Hitting
The First Tee Homework & Hitting program was created to inspire our participants to excel socially, academically, and athletically. Homework & Hitting is a one-of-kind program that has been recognized at a national level by The First Tee. No other chapter in the country provides this opportunity for their students. Homework & Hitting is a drop-in program; there is no required attendance. Students may come and go as they please during the times available. Some students stay the entire time, while others may only stay for an hour. Students who participate must bring in at least 20 minutes worth of school-work, or will be assigned something by The First Tee staff. After students wrap up their homework, they can play putting or chipping games with other students, or work on their swing in the set-up hitting nets. Coaches are there to help students excel in both schoolwork and their golf game. Students who paid the $150 to cover the full year are covered for Homework and Hitting as well. Standard fee structure applies for participants who did not pay the $150 to cover the whole year, and an application must be filled out. Cost is $60 for participants to cover the entire winter. Scholarshipped participants receive programming for $5 (students receiving free/reduced price lunch at school are eligible). Starting November 14 Mondays & Wednesdays: Fellowship Greens Golf Course (3450 36th St SE, Kentwood, MI 49512) 4-6:30 PM Starting November 15, 2014 Tuesdays & Thursdays: The Highlands Golf Course (2715 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids, 49504) 4:30-7:30 PM If you are attending for the first time, please contact Program Director Nick Holtrop at [email protected] or 616-481-2290 for more specific directions once you get to the site. Goals for 2016-2017 Program Homework & Hitting continued its success at The Highlands last winter. In addition, our new site at Encounter Church was extremely well received. We have the following goals in the winter of 2015-2016:- Provide an opportunity for your child to excel academically
- The First Tee’s staff and volunteer coaches come from many different industries and backgrounds. Coaches with specific training in an area (Math, Writing, etc.) will work with a child needing help in that area.
- Provide an opportunity for your child to excel socially
- We want your child’s social skills to grow through peer to peer interaction with our other participants. In addition, we want your child to grow more comfortable interacting confidently with adults and mentors. Homework & Hitting provides both of these opportunities.
- Provide an opportunity for your child to excel athletically
- Most of our participants want to get better at golf. With more one-on-one coaching opportunities, Homework & Hitting is the ideal environment to work on technique and repetition. Students who have been the most involved at Homework & Hitting are usually our best performing participants in the summer.
- Provide more specialty nights at our new site, Fellowship Greens Golf Course. Last winter, we hosted the following specialty nights for our students:African American History Night (related to the game of golf)
- Cooking Night @ The Highlands
- Bowling Night @ The Highlands
- Golf Galaxy Field Trip
- Putt-Putt Tournament
- Wii Golf Tournament
- Add “STEMlinks” curriculum to program for high school participants (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
- Provide healthy snacks to our students, many of who do not receive a nutritious dinner at home.
The First Tee of West Michigan is interested in providing Homework & Hitting to new students. If you have a child or organization who may be interested in participating in Homework & Hitting, please contact The First Tee of West Michigan’s Program Director Taylor Haudek.
Email: taylor@thefirstteewestmichigan.org
Phone: 616-481-2290
Here is what one parent that has attended multiple times said about the program: Hi Tyler, I just wanted to thank each you for all the time and effort you put into Sierra. She really enjoys her time spent with your folks and continues to want to do more. As parents Linda and I talk about how blessed we have been to have you and your program in our daughters life. Her improvement since September has been eye opening to both of us and we can tell that she feels more confident about who she is as a player. Its a shame that more kids cant get out and use this program and I will try and drag a friend or two out there. We mailed a small check out to you this morning with the hope of covering some of the costs of a student in need. Please let me know if there are any additional costs that we need to cover which will allow Sierra to continue with your program. Thanks, Aaron Berlin