- Use Heart of West Michigan’s United Way 2-1-1 hotline – https://www.hwmuw.org/211
- Use Access Kent’s website – https://www.accesskent.com/Health/coronavirus.htm
- Need to get tested for Coronavirus? Check this link – https://www.woodtv.com/health/coronavirus/spectrum-opens-drive-thru-covid-19-testing-by-appointment-only/. You must be prescreened and approved for testing by your doctor.
- Please refer to this article for all food distribution in Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon County – https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/heres-a-list-of-places-to-find-food-for-students-while-schools-are-closed/69-21c4784e-a721-4a46-b694-7a70f9e8494b
- Want to be tested for Coronavirus? Please consult your physician first.
- Starting yesterday, Holland Hospital’s emergency room entrance will remain open 24/7, but the other three entrances will only be open from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Staff will be located at all entrances to evaluate anyone entering the hospital for symptoms of respiratory infection, including fever, cough, shortness of breath or sore throat. Staff will also be screening people who may have been in contact in the last 14 days with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
- Please refer to this article for all food distribution in Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon County – https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/heres-a-list-of-places-to-find-food-for-students-while-schools-are-closed/69-21c4784e-a721-4a46-b694-7a70f9e8494b
- We were unable to find a Coronavirus testing site in Muskegon County. But nonetheless, the first step is to be pre-screened and approved by your doctor before testing.
- Please refer to this article for all food distribution in Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon County – https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/heres-a-list-of-places-to-find-food-for-students-while-schools-are-closed/69-21c4784e-a721-4a46-b694-7a70f9e8494b
——– OTHER RESOURCES FREE Internet Service Via Comcast “As the country deals with the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Comcast is taking immediate steps to help connect more low-income families to the Internet at home. Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, new Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of Internet service.” https://www.internetessentials.com/covid19 Other articles: How to talk to your kids about Coronavirus – NY TIMES