First Tee – West Michigan remembers one of its finest

Rick Vandenberg, former Board Chair and 9-year board member, passed away on Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Written by Tyler Smies, Executive Director of First Tee, 2011 – Present

Rick was one of the finest men I’ve ever had the chance to meet, and did so much to help both me and First Tee grow and thrive.  Rick joined First Tee’s board in 2016 and served until the end of 2024. He served as Board Chair for three years, from 2021 – 2023. 

I so deeply respect Rick and how he led and took care of people. No task was too small for Rick – he volunteered at a six-class session as recently as last spring, taking on 10 3rd and 4th graders from a GRPS school.  At the same time, he led First Tee as board chair with care, kindness, directness, and steadiness.  His faith in Christ was also rock solid and important to him. I have no doubt where he is today – in the embrace of his savior, Jesus. 

I looked up to him in so many ways – how he led his family, walked out his faith, did his work, led me, and led the First Tee. Here are some highlights during his tenure on the board at First Tee: 

From when Rick joined in 2016 to the end of 2024: 

  • First Tee – West Michigan annual participation went from 726 to 2,400 students
    • went from 934 to 2,222 during his three years as chair
  • First Tee expanded our program from 2 communities (GR and Muskegon) to 4 (Holland and Kalamazoo)
  • First Tee’s budget went from $556,000 to $1,450,000
    • went from $809,000 to $1,125,000 during his three years as chair.
  • First Tee launched flagship programs like the junior coach program, the Play 9 program, and the individual instruction program during his tenure on the board. He also helped us navigate the transition of our home from the Highlands to Stormy Creek and Stormy Creek to our downtown location at United Way.

Rick also helped implement a more refined and defined way to evaluate me as Executive Director. That process has continued to today and now filters down to the goals and initiatives of every staff member each year. 

All of these accomplishments we’ve had as a collective group had a large part to do with Rick – who he was and how he led. I am so grateful to have spent so much time with him, picking his brain, asking him questions, and leaning on his wisdom.   Our heart goes out to Rick’s wife Mary, his two sons and their families, and others close to him. For more information, click here for Rick’s obituary.

Tyler Smies, Executive Director

To make a gift in memory of Rick and his impact on First Tee, click here.