The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) issued a new emergency order on November 15th. Due to this order and our desire to keep our participants safe,
from November 16 through January 3, in-person Homework & Hitting has been CANCELLED.
Check out these great alternatives to keep your child learning and growing personally and as a golfer this winter!
NEW! FREE PLAYer Virtual Hour this winter:

Now, First Tee will be offering a free weekly virtual hour for ALL levels of the program for ALL communities (Grand Rapids, Holland, Muskegon, and Kalamazoo). The program will be LIVE, with a coach, and other First Tee participants. Students will learn about a value, a golf skill, and participate in trivia against other participants!
Student Registration Link ($0 – FREE). After clicking link above, please click LOGIN on the top right before trying to register.
Registration for Scholarship Families ($0 – FREE): For those eligible for free or reduced-price lunch at school, or experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19.
PLAYer Virtual Hour (VThurPLAYer1)- Thursdays, 4-4:45 pm, December 3, 10, 17
Par Virtual Hour (VMonPar1) – Mondays, 4-4:45 pm, November 16 – December 14
Birdie Virtual Hour (VWedBirdie1)- Wednesdays, 4-4:45 pm, November 18 – December 16
Eagle Virtual Hour (VWedEagle1)
– Wednesdays, 3-3:45 pm, November 18 – December 16
Timing doesn’t work? Ask Coach Taylor (
[email protected]) for assignments following the session to get additional hours in toward registration!
NEW! FREE Open Hitting in Grand Rapids and the lakeshore this winter:
To allow our participants to get out of the house and work on their game these upcoming weeks, we are offering family Open Hitting at two locations this winter, for one-hour blocks. Families will be able to pre-register in one-hour blocks to use hitting nets, putting, and simulators at our locations. ONLY one family per hour will be allowed, and masks will be required, and a survey ensuring no contact with the coronavirus will be required upon entry. Parents, younger siblings, and those not in the program are welcome to use the space with the First Tee participant during the hour. Access is FREE to all First Tee families! Get out and get some swings in!
In Grand Rapids: First Tee Headquarters (3450 36th St. SE, Grand Rapids, 49512)
Use the 540 sq ft. putting green and two hitting nets to work on your game! Register for a one hour block below
First Tee Headquarters Space will be available at the following times:
Tuesdays: November 24, December 1, 8, 15, OPEN 10 AM – 7 PM
Wednesdays: November 18, December 2, 9, 16, OPEN 10 AM – 7 PM
Thursdays: November 19, December 3, 10, 17, OPEN 10 AM – 7 PM
On the Lakeshore: Coach Randy’s Studio (671 East Pontaluna Road, Muskegon, 49444)
Coach Randy’s Studio will be available at the following times (see pictures below):
Tuesdays: November 24, December 1, 8, 15,
OPEN 10 AM -12 PM, 2-5 PM
Wednesdays: November 18, December 2, 9, 16,
OPEN 10 AM – 12 PM, 2-5 PM
Thursdays: November 19, December 3, 10, 17,
OPEN 10 AM – 12 PM, 2-5 PM
We hope to see you virtually this winter, or at one of our open hitting times! Questions? Contact Program Director Taylor Haudek at
[email protected] or call 616-208-1177.