First Tee – West Michigan Spring Classes in Grand Rapids

At First Tee – West Michigan, we are building game changers. Our life-skills education programming is designed for players of all ages and skill levels, with classes meeting once a week for six weeks. Learning golf, getting to know their peers, and enhancing life skills like resilience and self-confidence are just the beginning. Our trained coaches empower and inspire kids and teens, while teaching them about managing emotions, setting goals, resolving conflicts, and more.  With classes for kids of all ages from 7-17, there’s something for everyone at First Tee. Join us this spring and discover a new love for the game of golf!


Full Price Students: $90  |   Scholarship Students: Sessions are free for anyone eligible for MI Income Assistance Programs or families experiencing financial hardship.

Sessions for Kids Ages 7-9

First Tee Program for ages 7-9 teaches the game of golf in a fun, safe, and empowering environment. At this age group, we are introducing and engaging participants with both golf and life skills. Participants will get active and play golf with their peers to help them build inner strength, self-confidence, and enthusiasm for the game. Classes are designed to accommodate new and returning golfers of the same age. Participants will register and be grouped by age and will progress through the program as they “age up,” with lessons adjusted to challenge players at their skill level.

Sessions for Kids Ages 10-11

First Tee Program for ages 10-11 supports the exploration of both character and golf skills in active and collaborative ways. The learning experiences in the course help to build inner strength, self-confidence, and an enthusiasm for the sport, while encouraging the development of positive Game Changing behaviors. Classes are designed to accommodate new and returning golfers of the same age. Participants will register and be grouped by age and will progress through the program as they “age up” with lessons adjusted to challenge players at their skill level.

Sessions for Kids Ages 12-13

First Tee Program for ages 12-13 focuses on the development of both golf and character skills. The lessons and activities in this program empower participants to explore both golf skills and character commitments appropriate for their stage of growth and development. Coaches support the development of confidence in participants through additional opportunities for them to demonstrate mastery and growth in their golf skills and abilities. Classes are designed to accommodate new and returning golfers of the same age. Participants will register and be grouped by age and will progress through the program as they “age up,” with lessons adjusted to challenge players at their skill level.

Sessions for Teens Ages 14+

First Tee Program for ages 14+ places a greater emphasis on the personal development of participants. These lessons help participants elaborate on their understanding, applying what they have learned to new situations on and off the course to deepen their skills as they evaluate, reflect on, and provide evidence of their new understanding of life and golf skills. As participants learn more about who they are and what they are capable of, they have the opportunity at First Tee to begin to look toward the future and plan their own paths. Classes are designed to accommodate new and returning golfers of the same age.

For more information please call 616-208-1177 Ext. 153 or email Emily Damstra at [email protected]

Interested in First Tee apparel this fall? Click this link or the picture below to see our store. 70% for students on scholarship with First Tee!